Sellout Sunday - posted on February 24, 2014 by

#SelloutSunday (Ep. 8) – Assembling Press Kit for Summer Festivals

This week on #SelloutSunday I assemble some Press Kits for SummerFest and other local festivals that I want to play this summer.

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Deep Thoughts, Sellout Sunday - posted on February 16, 2014 by

#SelloutSunday (Ep. 7) – “Life Never Goes According to Plan” (Encouragement)

This week on #SelloutSunday, I briefly re-iterate how life never goes according to plan, no matter how much you plan your life out. I know a lot of people, including myself, who are currently going through situations in life where they never thought they’d be. This is just a friendly reminder that we are all in the same boat

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Sellout Sunday, Video - posted on February 10, 2014 by

#SelloutSunday (Ep. 6) “Relationship Horror Stories & Love” (Valentine’s Day Edition)

This week on #SelloutSunday, we have a special Valentine’s Day Edition sharing relationship horror stories and talk about relationships/love and give advice. Check it out!

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Sellout Sunday - posted on February 2, 2014 by

#SelloutSunday (Ep. 5) – “What U Gonna Do” Behind the Scenes preview

This week I’ve been working on finishing my “What U Gonna Do” Music Video so for this weeks #SelloutSunday episode, I give you a behind the scenes look and preview of the video which is coming soon!!!

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Deep Thoughts, My Opinion - posted on January 28, 2014 by

What’s the hype with Kendrick Lamar?

Can someone explain the big deal/hype behind Kendrick Lamar to me?? I think I have ONE song of his in my DJ catalogue, “Swimming Pools” I believe, and I never played it cuz it was garbage. I actually missed the Grammys this year cuz I was busy filming a music video, consequently on my journey to winning my own Grammy, so I never got to see what unfolded, just heard the aftermath. But I never understood the hype, nor have I heard anything to Wow my socks off (like Eminems “Rap God”). I honestly don’t care if he’s “more lyrical” than Macklemore. People winning the Pop and Country awards didn’t win their awards cuz they were “more lyrical” than their competitors….they won cuz they make good music and have a popular movement (actually don’t get me started on the political popularity contest the Grammys are). Macklemore….accept that award with pride and stop swingin on Kendricks nuts…Or if u feel he deserves it THAT MUCH, then give him yours, which you won’t.


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News - posted on January 28, 2014 by

“What U Gonna Do” Music Video coming soon!!!

“Sometimes your very own worst enemy…is yourself”.

What U Gonna Do‘ Music Video COMING SOON!!!


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Sellout Sunday - posted on January 26, 2014 by

#SelloutSunday (Ep. 4) – “Losing weight, eating healthy and staying in shape”

About 2.5 years ago, after a breakup…my ex told me: “I wish you would take better care of yourself”. Since then, I made some profound changes in my life that literally turned my life around. Check out my story on this weeks episode of #SelloutSunday …it’s called: “Losing weight, eating healthy and staying in shape”. OH…and today I head to Milwaukee to film a final scene for my music video “What U Gonna Do”…the whole reason I got a gym membership to begin with! Check it out:

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Deep Thoughts, My Opinion - posted on January 24, 2014 by

Never satisfied.

I have been struggling with some things lately. Well, namely one thing. And that is with never being satisfied. I always want more, I always want to be more successful, I always want more money, I always want better quality videos, I always want to accomplish more things. I am simply NEVER satisfied. In ANY area of my life. I’ve started to notice this more recently, but thinking back on things, I think I’ve been this way my whole life really.

2013 was one of the best years of my career. The shows, the release of my documentary, the 5 Madison Hip-Hop Awards & more. Yet at the end of the year, I probably felt the most empty and dissatisfied I ever have been in my whole life. I, as well as others, always thought of myself as simply a hard worker and over achiever. But I think it goes deeper than that. I think that no matter what I achieve in life, I’ll never be satisfied….with ANYTHING.

So one day I finally decided to Google: “Why am I never satisfied?”, and I came across this book. It looked like a good book, with possibly the answer to my question. So then my girl (being the best there is) decided to surprise me by ordering it and having it sent to my house. Must admit, it was dope to come home to that in the mail!

I am going to read this book as soon as I can, and I hope to start finding some answers so I can start appreciating and enjoying life in the present moment. Cuz Lord (and some of my close friends, even my girl) knows I need to start basking in the moment and start enjoying the simple things in life!! Carpe Diem.

Will keep you all updated on my progress and thoughts on the book!


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Sellout Sunday, Video - posted on January 19, 2014 by

Sellout Sunday (Ep. 3) – Rip Interview at 91.7 WSUM (Madison, WI)

This week on Sellout Sunday I take you along on an interview at 91.7 WSUM Madison, WI. Check it out!

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Uncategorized - posted on January 17, 2014 by

Original version of Eminem’s “Monster”


It’s no secret that I love Eminem’s new song “Monster”. I have had it on repeat when I workout and for some reason I have been able to relate to it like crazy…it’s just one of those songs that happen to resonate with you at a certain point in your life.

Well, did you know it’s not an original song? It is a remake of a song by an artist named Bebe Rexha. She wrote the song 3 years ago voicing her frustrations with the music industry.


Check it out:

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