My Dream Movie (God made me to be a visual storyteller)
Somebody asked me a couple of months ago if I was given $6M to make any movie I wanted, what would it be? My answer:
I’d make a current-day male version of “Now & Then” (you know, the 90’s chick flick where Christina Ricci and all her female friends save up to buy a tree house one summer in the 70s and she comes back as an adult as Rosie O’Donnell 20 years later to meet with the rest of the girls and they reminisce about that summer they all made a pact?)
Mine would be similar. It would be a coming-of-age film where a group of teenage boys are growing up in the late 90s doing what teenage boys do. It would have a lot of cool 90s nostalgia, the 90s music would make an AWESOME soundtrack, the TV shows on in the background would be epic, and the Chicago Bulls winning their second 3-peat!!? Then they all return to their childhood hometown (Chicago burbs lol) as adults, 20-25 years later. Each went their separate ways in life, becoming professionals, lawyers, doctors, etc…and one becoming a rockstar. Someone who chased all the money, fame, women, etc. And he comes back to tell them how empty that life was and how it only ruined him (when they all thought it was a glamorous lifestyle). He would also be a believer now, as well, and he would exemplify how he’s living his life for The Lord and explain how everything apart from living for The Lord is meaningless (It would be done in a NON corny way LOL.) It would also teach some very valuable life lessons.
Anyways, that’s it. That’s the post (and my dream movie with a gifted budget LOL). It prob wouldn’t be a box office hit, but it would be something I’d be passionate about doing. After all, this is just the movie I’d make if I was given $6M to make any movie I want. The new John Hughes
So, with that said, does anyone have a cool $6M lying around by chance to strike while the iron’s hot? (this movie can’t be made 10 years down the road…HA) To be honest, I could prob do it for way less…more like 1.5-2M (to do it right) LOL. Anyways, even if it never comes to fruition, this is the movie concept that will always live rent-free in my head whether it would be a hit or not. It would be mixing my love for my 3 fav things: filmmaking, 90s nostalgia, and my Love for The Lord. Don’t know why I felt like sharing…it’s one of those nights.

“Boundaries” are NOT Biblical.
(Lord, allow this to be received in Love )
“Boundaries” are not Biblical. In fact, we’ll be hard-pressed to find any scripture in the Bible that instructs or tells us to put boundaries in place. It is a new concept that has crept its way into the church and modern psychology. And I’d go as far as saying that boundaries themselves are toxic.
So WHY are “boundaries” not Biblical? Because they are selfish and rooted in fear (the opposite of love). God’s word calls us to Love Him, Love others. Those are the greatest commands.
PLEASE HEAR MY HEART ON THIS before you allow to take over
Fear (boundaries) does what’s best for self without regard for others. LOVE, on the other hand, does what’s best for others without regard for self. Love always requires a sacrifice, to put something first. If I put you first, I love you…if I put me first, I’m not loving you in that moment. Stay with me here…
If I put up a “boundary” to a toxic person and say “I won’t allow you to do XYZ to me”, we are putting up a fence that says, do not enter in. Do not harm me. So although we may be safe in our little gated circumference, the toxic person is free to roam outside it still harming themselves and others.
By doing this we just put ourselves first in an attempt to protect ourselves (fear)…but that has no regard for the other person. We couldn’t care less if they continue being toxic hurting themselves in the process. EVEN WORSE, we have no regard for our neighbors and all the other potential victims they continue to hurt in addition to themselves. All we care about is ourselves and not getting hurt. So although we may have protected ourselves in the short term, we didn’t protect them or our neighbors. That is not Love.
Love protects others. Love is Truthful (Biblically speaking.) Love IS our greatest offense AND defense. If we are following The Lord’s commands to love, we get protected in the process long before we ever have to put “boundaries” in place. If someone is toxic, love will confront them, not enable or allow their toxic behavior, nor allow them to do it to others.
Love is not what we do, it’s why behind what we do. And it’s our greatest command Biblically. Not boundaries.
We should be fighting the right fight in life: living a loving life. When we love properly, everything else takes care of itself. I know this is a hard concept to grasp because modern psychology has done a good job at wiring us ro believe “boundaries are healthy”. And it’s EXTREMELY hard to associate loving someone who is toxic and done us wrong together. I get that. But if we EVER have a problem loving someone because they did us wrong, that should be the first indication there is a heart problem. If I could forgive the man that murdered my brother and want what’s best for him without regard for myself (which would be for him to truly surrender his life to The Lord and receive eternal salvation), you could too. I promise. In the end, Love is always the answer.
Hot take complete. I truly hope you hear my heart behind this.
Brat Fest 2023 Recap
I’m still tryna wrap my head around yesterday. Words can’t even articulate a fraction of what transpired yesterday. I’ve played Brat Fest in years past, but something about yesterday was just different.
My family came up from IL. My Mom even brought a lyric board she made at home! My brother brought his kids (1 & 3 yo) so that was their first time ever seeing Uncle Josh perform.
Being together with all my brothers-in-Christ from all over the country (Texas, Michigan, Indiana, Mississippi) and being able to minister together was apostolic in nature. Praise and glory to God
What people see on stage is one thing. What goes on behind the scenes the whole day is another. I’ve been told by numerous people (including a good friend who’s been watching me perform over a decade and my brother Nicky who’s been touring together with me the last 2 years), that that was the best performance they’ve ever seen from me. I’ve had people tell me they felt The Holy Spirit moving. Y’all, I’ve been performing for 2 decades. For me to be having my “best show” even after 20 years is mind-boggling to me. But…it’s all God and His Spirit. Y’all, I had a mini-CHOIR throe down with me!??
But again, what is seen on stage is one thing. What happens behind the scenes is another. The fellowship with the brothers is on another level. I was blessed enough to be able to host my brothers this weekend in my modest home and it blessed me highly being around and with them, breaking bread together. We were blessed enough to have many run-ins (like we usually do) with people seeking and needing prayer. People in tears, broken, sick, people in grief. We got to lay hands on them and pray for them and continue letting The Spirit sow seeds where need be. We crossed paths with and got to pray over bands who were multi-platinum artists but had to stop and encourage us to keep doing what we’re doing because “God is real”. A woman who drove by Denny’s cuz she saw our bus so she wanted to stop by and encourage us. Nicky asked her if there was anything we could pray for and she almost broke down in tears, so we all unbuckled our seat belts to get out the bus and circle around this woman to pray (minutes after rushing out of Denny’s because Nicky had to get back on the road to Indiana, a 5-hour drive, which now became irrelevant in the face of this troubled woman needing prayer.)
I always feel like Jesus’ disciples walking with Him when we’re together and then when we have to part ways, I feel a sadness like the disciples who all dispersed after Jesus’ ascension to individually be “On Go” (Go making disciples of all nations). The only regret all of us brothers shared was that we wish we would have come to Jesus sooner in life (although we know His sovereign will and timing is perfect.)
At the end of the night, I had a guest in town, who was helping us all day and around for most everything, in tears. In tears because she got to witness the comrades, brotherhood, and fellowshipping that took place firsthand, and it inspired her. A bunch of tatted-up ex-felons, dope fiends and drug dealers, sex and porn addicts, who’ve been delivered and now loving and living for Jesus, The One Who snatched us from the pits. Constantly hugging each other…telling each other how much they love one another, continually throughout the day.
Like brother Bryann T says. It’s more than just music. It’s WAY more than just music. These brothers are On Go continually. And I love it. I love them. I love doing life and ministry with these brothers The Lord has blessed me with. Words can’t even begin to articulate how blessed yesterday was. Yeah, my performance may have been on another level according to lots…but the whole weekend was on another level. And I can’t wait to bring this ministry tour to a city near you next.
Anyways, I don’t want to turn this post into a promotional post other than promoting Jesus and what He did this weekend right now. But we look forward to seeing, meeting, and praying with you all as we get ready to embark on this tour.
Thank You, Jesus, and everyone else for blessing us on this mission. I love and appreciate you all Continue to be blessed in Jesus’ name.
Love Requires Sacrifice
I saw something beautiful at the gym today that almost made me want to cry. This is my 3rd time seeing it, so I know it happens on a more consistent basis: I saw 2 brothers (or cousins, I’m assuming they’re family), one was blind and the other one was helping guide him; guide his walking, guiding him where to grab the weights. He even walked him over to the urinal so the blind brother could use the bathroom in the locker room (this all is very reminiscent of when my uncle took my Dad in after his stroke.) But it was just the purest form of Love and I had such an awe and respect for these brothers. Why is Love so powerful and beautiful??
No matter how you chop it. Love requires sacrifice. Whether it’s your children, your spouse, your family members. Whoever it may be. It requires your sacrifice to love them. A sacrifice of your time, your money, your sleep, your wants, your desires. You can’t love without sacrificing something of your own.
This is why Jesus, as God incarnate, sacrificed Himself. No one forced Him. He laid down His life willingly, as He made clear speaking about His life: βNo one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up againβ (John 10:18). Glory to God.
And this is ALSO why, if we are to love not only God but our neighbors too, we must die to ourselves and lay our own lives down. See, our lives aren’t about ourselves. This is why everyone who rejects Jesus doesn’t want to accept Him. Because they know what is required: Sacrifice of self. They want their pride, they want their greed, they want their lusts, and sexual immorality. This is also why we don’t need to “love ourselves before we could love others”. That’s the biggest lie ever told by the world. In fact, if we love ourselves, we CAN’T love others.
I say all this because by nature our flesh is very selfish, mine included. But I’m inspired every day by acts or TRUE LOVE and it only motivates me to want to get to that place as well. Lord, help me to continue to die to myself. I can only do it by Your strength.
Let’s start loving others, doing what’s best for them without regard for ourselves
God bless; hope this message blesses u today.
Sharing My Heart (Blog Entry)
Laying in bed trying to fall back asleep and felt compelled to share my heart: I’m not suicidal by any means. I have some friends that are which my heart mourns for, but my own heart does long to be home with Jesus. This is also scripturally accurate. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tell us that when God created us all, He placed eternity in our hearts. This is why nothing on earth will ever fulfill that VOID in our hearts (money, fame, accolades, relationships etc.) Until we have reached Eternity with God/Heaven…our hearts will always long for it and nothing this side of eternity will ever satiate that desire. This also makes sense in the fact that nothing has ever fully felt like “home” growing up. I’ve never fully settled into a dwelling. Even the residence/bedroom I’m in now, which I’ve occupied the last decade, I’ve never fully furnished or painted it or “made it my own.” To me, I’ve always just been “passing thru” until I reach my final destination. I’ve had GF’s in the past tell me they feel I’m never settled in/never unpack because I always travel with a “to-go” backpack. Truth is: I’m just a traveler on a journey passing thru this temporary world until I reach my final destination (Heaven.) There are a lot of things here that are great and wonderful, but they honestly don’t hold a candle to where I’m going. My heart missed my Dad a little this morning. If I’m being honest, this world is the only hell I’ll ever experience. To some, it’s the only Heaven they’ll ever experience and that thought always breaks my heart (). Which is why I’m passionate about spreading the gospel. Look. Everything here is temporary. That’s an absolute that can’t be disputed. That in itself proves that Absolutes are true.. Including Absolute Truth. Truth is: Everything will return to dust. Your body. Your home. The relationship you have now…spouse, kids. They will end.
I have love and respect for all people and desire for them to spend eternity with me and God. That’s my biggest passion in life. I never want them to spend eternity apart from God (TRUST ME…You do NOT want to be apart from everything that is good for all of eternity.) Aside from that…I’m not tied to anything here. My name, my status. My income. All the video equipment I’ve been blessed to acquire over the years (Glory to God!) My jobs. My residence. My career. My music. Awards. Titles. My car. When they all return to dust, I’ll be ok.
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” – Philippians 4:12
Truly there’s nothing in this world that can complete me. These worldly things all mean nothing to me in the grand scheme of things. I love and cherish my family, friends, and supporters who rock with my mission more than anything else in this world. My focus is on eternity and The Kingdom. Everything else is futile. A chasing after the wind. The Lord has opened my eyes to MANY great things over the last few years. I have steady prayed for wisdom over everything else, much like King Solomon did in 1 Kings 3.
“For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.” (Ecclesiastes 1:18)
My heart grieves and longs for Home. But I still have an appreciation for being able to experience this beautiful thing called life and all the joys and blessings that come with it. Literally a one in a trillion chance that we’re here right now. Even though I mourn for this fallen sinful world…My heart is at peace knowing this will be the only hell I ever experience. But for now…I want to make sure it’s not the only Heaven YOU experience. That’s what drives me every day.
If you’ve been on the fence considering placing your Faith in Jesus as your Savior but haven’t yet, won’t you do that today so you can rest assured that you will spend eternity in Heaven with God?? Best decision you’ll ever make in life.
Romans 10:9 tells us: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” That’s it! BUT…The key is…you have to truly believe it on your heart. Many will confess it with their mouth (most legalistic religious rituals,) but the words that come out of their lips don’t match what they believe in their hearts. TRULY I TELL YOU! Jesus Christ and The Word of God are REAL. He has revealed Himself to me time and time and time again…over and over. DAILY if not hourly! If you don’t believe me..ask Him yourself. If your heart TRULY wants to know The Truth…He WILL reveal Himself to you as well. But your Pride has to be moved aside and heart has to be fully open and ready.
My prayer today (and every day) is that someone accepts Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life in Heaven WITH God and NOT apart from Him and all that is good!
Thank you for listening to my heart today!
Sitting here eating lunch (my breakfast lol) and one of the containers my food was in reminded me of my Dad and the baked mostaccioli he would always bring me. And for a minute, I missed my Dad. Then I got to thinking: We were able to mentally and emotionally prepare for his death (as he’s been in hospice care and declining cognitively for months prior.) And he had a pretty full life even after his massive stroke in 2003 (he lived to 83.) I realized I’ll see my Dad soon enough and my heart started to think: I CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE the pain and emptiness those who lose parents young, and even their own siblings and children, have to go through every day of their life. It’s an empty ache that’s there and never goes away.
But then, my heart grew even sadder when I realized …once some people pass…that really is the last time they’ll ever see their loved one again.
This is something that’s been eating at me for a while to address:
I’ve witnessed time and time again over the years, non-believer friends who blatantly deny Jesus Christ as The One True way to The Father and Heaven (John 14:6) say “Heaven gained another angel” or “so and so is looking down on us now/is at peace” or “I’ll see you again.” My mind can’t comprehend how you’ll see them again or how they’re in Heaven as an angel if: You deny the existence of God and don’t believe in God/Heaven yourself (I may never know where their deceased friend’s heart laid with God ..but I do know my friends current words, actions & fruit rejects Jesus Christ.) This hurts my heart and I can’t be quiet anymore:
The Truth is…if you don’t put your trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you won’t see them again. If they didn’t put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior as well, you won’t see them again. In fact, worse than that…those who deny Jesus have a place prepared for those who choose to be apart from Him for eternity. God doesn’t send us there…WE CHOOSE to go there by rejecting God and all that’s good. Hell isn’t “punishment ” Hell is the absence of everything God is: Good.
This is hard for me to write. And it’s going to be even harder for some to read. But the reason it’s hard is because it is the Truth. I’ve been called all the things in the book with my delivery style: too intense, intolerant, ignorant, insensitive, crass, dogmatic. But when it comes down to it…it is still Truth no matter how it’s delivered. And the real problem isn’t my delivery…It’s the pride in our hardened hearts that don’t want to hear the Truth. I’ve been there. My whole life I had family members and such “shoving Jesus down my throat” telling me how I needed to live my life and make my music. And I HATED it more than anything else. I wanted to live my life for me. I knew what was best for my life…not them! Guess who ended up being right?? Them.
I started asking my friends who were turned off to the message of Jesus I was bringing them…”what kind of delivery would make my truth more acceptable and receptive to you?” Their answer is always the same: “that’s a good question.” As in…there is no right way for me to deliver Truth. Cuz it will always always ALWAYS cut and sting a hardened heart that doesn’t want to receive it.
Know I bring you this message in love. I WANT to see you all again. I want you all to see your loved ones again. I WANT to enjoy eternity with you and bask in the glory of God and all of the sick and pain-free glory that all of Heaven promises for all of eternity. I do not wish for any soul to perish.
I woke up to 2 Timothy 4 today – about sharing your Faith and preaching The Word of God. “For there is going to come a time when people won’t listen to the truth but will go around looking for teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear. They won’t listen to what The Bible says but will blithely follow their own misguided ideas.”
Listen, we can’t follow our own misguided ideas. Just because we think we’re “good” or someone is “good” by our earthly standards doesn’t mean we’ll “see them again” in Heaven. Romans 3:23 tells us ALL have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God (a PERFECT Judge.) That means, if we sin one time…we don’t uphold the standards of a Judge Whose grade scale and standards are. Welp…perfection. This is why we NEED Jesus Christ to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Please don’t wait another moment. I hear friends say all the time “I’m not ready yet.” All this means is…you know The Truth, but you’re not ready to accept it and start living a more righteous life that isn’t so prideful, lustful, and greedy. You’re clinging to those worldly sins too much, much like I was. I wasn’t ready yet. But that’s a very VERY slippery slope and dangerous game of Russian roulette. Don’t wait. Turn from your sin (repent) and put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ and let’s celebrate the fact that we will truly indeed see each other all once again! And once you do that, go and spread the good word to the rest of your friends and family so they can all be sure they will join us in eternity as well!
If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
Rest in Heaven, Dad
Today, my earthly father, George Mallet Sr, took his final breaths on this earth and joined his parents, aunt, brother, sister, and son in heaven.
My brothers and I will be having his body transported from North Carolina to Chicago to have him buried and some sort of service there in the near future, where he first came to America from Mexico and started a life and family.
My Dad was the very first one to support my dreams of pursuing music and was my #1 fan from day 1. Unfortunately, he suffered a massive stroke in 2003 and was taken in by my uncle so he didn’t get to see or experience much of the successes I got to enjoy…but if it weren’t for his initial encouragement and support I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed the successes I have today. He bought me my first pair of turntables in high school, always took me to buy records (although we could only afford a few at a time), bought me my first studio mixer, microphone, and studio monitors (which I still have to this day almost 20 years later.) He came to every volleyball match that he could and was there to bring us food and medicine, from Des Plaines to Waukegan, when we were sick or hungry and our Mom was working late nights, even though it wasn’t his time to have custody of us. He often got yelled for it…but he did it anyway because our well-being meant EVERYTHING to him. I may write more later, but I want to celebrate his life and legacy. ANYONE who ever met him was impacted in some sort of way (some good, some bad lol), he just had that kind of personality. And I’m going to miss it.
For those who knew my Dad…If you have any funny or fond memories of my Dad, feel free to share them here.
Thanks to all those who ever supported my musical endeavors. My Dad will continue to live on through you as he truly believed in me and supported me from day 1. And thank you to those few out there whoever gifted me a trip out to visit my Dad in North Carolina. A few of you have been kind enough to fly me out there as a gift over the last few years…I’ll love and cherish that forever. If I have been short with any of you this week or have yet to get back to some of you, forgive me. This is what my family has been dealing with all week. Thanks for your understanding, love, and prayers during this time.
I love you, Dad, and will miss you. But I’ll see you again soon.

Providing for a Woman
FELLAS: If you’re “bringing home the bacon” and think your job is done in providing for your wife, then you may be mistaken. The #1 thing a woman needs before anything else (including financial security) is to feel SAFE. She needs to feel heard and safe mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically first and foremost. In order to be her “Provider”.. She needs you to be the spiritual leader in the relationship. God felt it wasn’t good for man to be alone…so he created a woman helper suitable for him. And He designed us to be the spiritual leaders. She also needs you to show up as a strong, centered man in many other aspects: She needs you to be focused on your mission and purpose in life. If you don’t know it yet…figure it out. She needs to know that you’re a man of your word…if you say you’re going to do something, you stick to your word and do it. She needs to know she can trust and rely on you. She needs to know that all your lustful desires are dealt with…and that you aren’t going to be needing other women or Porn to fulfill that void that will never be filled with sex or lustful fantasies (or any other addictions for that matter.) Even if other women are attracted to you, she needs to know that you have no problem turning them down because you are happy with what you have. She needs to know that you will stand up for yourself and what you believe in…and not spinelessly cave when her or some one else disagrees or tests what you truly believe in. She needs to know that you will tell her the honest truth, even if it means losing her. And that you’re willing to deal with the consequences of being truthful. She needs to know and feel all this in her core. She may even make more money than you…and you can still be her provider. You can still be responsible with the finances you currently DO have and manage. THAT’S how you provide for a woman..mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you thought to provide was strictly financial, you’re in for a rude awakening, fellas. I say this out of Love because I love seeing fruitful relationships. Truth is…love is hard. We’re all flawed humans…we’ll always fail each other…but if you can’t be the best provider you’re capable of being…you don’t stand a fighting chance. And it’s hard as it is. I’m still working on sharpening some of these things myself even when I know all this…it’s still not easy to execute. But it starts with seeking and following God and His word.Β π. When that’s done…then Love will rule your life, and not fear (the opposite of Love)…Fear is what keeps us from fully loving and providing what our spouses truly need..

The Best Gift You Can Give Anyone
The absolute BEST gift you can give your significant other/partner/spouse isn’t a $10k diamond ring. It’s not a Mercedes with a bow in the driveway. It’s not the favorite jacket they always wanted or an unforgettable trip/cruise to the Caribbean or the location you’ve always dreamed of traveling to. It’s not even them loving you in your Love Language every day (although this is very important.) You know what it is??
It’s healing yourself first. It’s revisiting and healing all your childhood traumas and wounds before dragging someone else into your mess. It’s facing and healing the physical/sexual/mental/emotional abuse you were exposed to or endured as a child. It’s healing from that narcissist you dated and finding worth in yourself again as a human. It’s healing any Daddy/Mommy issues. It’s recovering from any addictions that may have a grip on your life: People addictions (Sex, Romance, Relationships), substance and alcohol addictions, gambling addictions. It’s healing any addictions to Porn (which prevents you from becoming intimate and close to another human.)
It’s healing your poor spending habits which puts you at financial risk because you never had a good model of a mindful/frugal spender growing up. It’s repairing your broken relationships with your parents. It’s forgiving those who have crossed you, including parents’/exes/Loved ones. After all, how could you ask God to bless your life and forgive you when you still harbor resentment and unforgiveness in your heart?? It’s healing any unfounded fears that truly hold no base (especially when fear is not of God.) The list goes on, but you get the point.
It’s your partner’s job to love you, but it’s not their job to fix or heal you. That’s something you have to do on your own, and I firmly know in my heart it is the absolute best gift you can give your current (or future) life partner and kids/family! And next, the BEST gift you can ever give your kids is showing them how much you love their other parent (whether you’re together or not!) And that takes being healed. And healing takes time. It’s a process. And you know what makes the process even longer?? When you’re dragging someone else along for the ride who is enabling your unhealthy behavior (talking pre-marriage/dating.) I don’t tell this to condemn anyone…but it is a testimony that I speak in Love because imagine this world if it were filled with loving, healed people that weren’t severely as broken as we are… (I understand nobody will ever be perfect…but that isn’t an excuse to tell people “love me as I am or else there’s the door” while we neglect our own issues.)
After re-submitting and surrendering my life to Christ 4 years ago, I allowed Him to do open heart surgery on me and it wasn’t an overnight process. Those close to me have seen the changes in many of the things I used to do. To those who never really knew me or only see the “Rip” they see on stage or social media…May still get a very different picture. π But, they don’t truly know me. I’ve had to revisit many unhealthy things I was exposed to as a child (I’ll save these details for prob another documentary I’ll end up making to tell my whole story/testimony.) After years of letting The Lord heal and work on me (and He still is) I was able to enjoy my first fruitful, faithful relationship for about 6-7 months. If I’m being honest, if I include porn/lust as cheating (which mentally and emotionally, it is)…I’ve never been a faithful partner before this one. Unfortunately, we both had different directions in life and we both respectfully, mutually and lovingly decided to go our separate ways a few months back. It was actually the most loving, healthy, respectful, and understanding breakup that I’ve ever experienced with no hatred or resentment.
So…what does healing look like?? To some, it’s seeing a therapist. Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with therapy. If it works for you…great. But in my personal opinion, it doesn’t work for me. A therapist is just another flawed, hurt human who has a therapist themselves. Your Dr. has a Dr. But let me tell you Who is the best therapist, Dr and Healer of them all! And that is my BIG God I serve & His son Jesus Christ! The One who actually made us and knows HOW we work and gave us The Blueprint on life (His Word.) It’s honestly really simple:
We have to fully surrender our lives and hearts to Him and not keep giving things to Him but then trying to take them back (I’m guilty of this myself at times.) It’s knowing and understanding that we are powerless and harness absolutely NO control (no matter how many times we try to control things.) What’s next after giving it ALL to God.? We have to actually do our part next and trying to control what we can: It’s BEING OBEDIENT. What’s “being obedient”?? It’s following His blueprint and Word and repenting (turning) from our sin. Giving up that vice (Yes, I know FIRST-HAND HOW HARD IT IS!) Not living in habitual unrepented sinful lifestyles. Listening to convictions and acting on them. You know, that little birdie on your shoulder (that “gut feeling”) that you’re doing something wrong?? God can’t do His part if we’re not meeting Him in the middle and doing ours. In that case, then we’d just be a puppet (which some of us probably need at times, let’s be real…haha. But then that takes away our freedom of Free Will which then a world of Love can’t exist, but that’s a whole nother topic of discussion.) Point blank: We can’t heal our lives and hearts without inviting the Creator and Healer of ALL Healers into them. It’s TRULY understanding Grace, The Cross, and what Christ did at it (Romans 5:8 – “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.) Until we understand that…we can’t forgive and love others (obsessive, lustful butterfly feelings in your stomach isn’t “love” btw.) I’ve been a “Christian” since I was a kid, you could say, but the true understanding of Grace didn’t actually hit me in the gut until an Easter message in 2012 when I got tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. And you won’t be open to Grace if you have a hardened heart and are not open to God’s Truth because you’re too busy following your own “truth” and feelings (Like I did a majority of my life.)
Anyways, I pray for Love, Peace, and HEALING in this world. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Life is so much better with it and it’s the absolute BEST gift you can give ANYONE. Periodt. All other “gifts” are just bandaids trying to mask the real underlying unhealed issues.
A much lighter, healed Lover or Christ who is still continually seeking healing each and every day so I can better love you all. AMEN.
P.S. As funny as some may think this is…if you feel the need to post a Marilyn Monroe meme saying; “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” Chances are, you have some healing to do.