King of the Party! – Doritos Crash The Superbowl entry
Check it out everyone!! Got together with my team and put together an entry for the Doritos #CrashTheSuperbowl commercial contest! Been wanting to do this for years, and now we have completed an entry. Check that off the #Bucketlist. I want to thank Rafael Charles Ragland for teaming up with me on this project. I would also like to thank everyone else who made this video a possibility. Couldn’t have done it without your gracious support!
Go here to rate it:
Robyn’s Hood & The Queens of Thieves (Official Movie Trailer)
Official Trailer to Robyn’s Hood & The Queen’s of Thieves movie I did with 608TV/So Grateful Films; coming to the Market Square Theater (Madison, WI) Friday October 30, 2015 @ 7:00pm !!!
DJ Rip, the new face at Lucky’s UW Badger Home Games
It’s official everybody! I will be the new face at Lucky’s this year for the UW Badger home games; the ULTIMATE Pre & Post game Headquarters!!! If you want to party and tailgate with some of the best, this is the place to be, right next to Camp Randall stadium! (Check the “shows” section of my website to see dates/times I will DJ’ing there)
GoFundMe fundraiser for Aprina Paul movie
In 2013, 18 year old Aprina Paul from Madison, WI answered an ad on Craigslist not knowing who or what lay on the other end. She was never to be seen from again. Her body was found in a home in Evansville, WI burned to the point where authorities couldn’t prove a murder.
Writer/Director Rafael Ragland and I have been asked by the mother of Aprina to make a movie on this story in hopes of raising awareness of the dangers of internet dating & preventing something like this from happening again.
We are looking to raise $10,000 to cover production costs to tell this story.
Production costs that will be incurred during filming: Wardrobe, makeup, travel expenses, Production Assistants, crew, talent, props. Sound/Audio production & engineering, equipment (upgrades + new), locations, promotion/marketing and more.
For more info on this story, please visit the following links:
New DJ Rip – Summer 2015 Top40-EDM-Hip-Pop Mix
New Summer 2015 Mix from DJ Rip! Top40 – EDM – Hip-Hop & Pop! Get it now!
DOWNLOAD LINK (Right click ‘Save As’)
Wisconsin Badgers finish off Kentucky (Madison, WI)

I may not be from WI originally…but WI has definitely become my #2 home for life. For the last 7 years, Madison & Badgers alike have supported my livelihood/DJ career and given me a place to call home. I have helped PLENTY of Badgers party their college years away and give them memories to last. I have probably seen and done pretty much all that you can being a DJ in Madison, WI. I have grown a spot in my heart for Madison. With that said, I was happy to be a part of their Final Four victory. Check out this video of Madison, WI celebrating their win last night at Whiskey Jacks on State St (Madison, WI).
My cruise to the Bahamas
Check out some documented footage of my recent trip to the Bahamas. Was a fun time, especially snorkeling and bantering with the locals at the marketplace