Christiana Miller, Erin Oakley, New Stuff, Nicky Gracious - posted on February 14, 2025 by

Some February drops for this Valentine’s Day

Enjoy these new drops from these RiP Records artists this month!

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Uncategorized - posted on December 19, 2024 by

2 Christmas song from Erin Oakley

Enjoy these 2 Christmas favorites from our very own Erin Oakley.

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blog - posted on November 18, 2024 by

My Dream Movie (God made me to be a visual storyteller)

Somebody asked me a couple of months ago if I was given $6M to make any movie I wanted, what would it be? My answer:

I’d make a current-day male version of “Now & Then” (you know, the 90’s chick flick where Christina Ricci and all her female friends save up to buy a tree house one summer in the 70s and she comes back as an adult as Rosie O’Donnell 20 years later to meet with the rest of the girls and they reminisce about that summer they all made a pact?)

Mine would be similar. It would be a coming-of-age film where a group of teenage boys are growing up in the late 90s doing what teenage boys do. It would have a lot of cool 90s nostalgia, the 90s music would make an AWESOME soundtrack, the TV shows on in the background would be epic, and the Chicago Bulls winning their second 3-peat!!? šŸ†šŸ†šŸ† Then they all return to their childhood hometown (Chicago burbs lol) as adults, 20-25 years later. Each went their separate ways in life, becoming professionals, lawyers, doctors, etc…and one becoming a rockstar. Someone who chased all the money, fame, women, etc. And he comes back to tell them how empty that life was and how it only ruined him (when they all thought it was a glamorous lifestyle). He would also be a believer now, as well, and he would exemplify how he’s living his life for The Lord and explain how everything apart from living for The Lord is meaningless (It would be done in a NON corny way LOL.) It would also teach some very valuable life lessons.

Anyways, that’s it. That’s the post (and my dream movie with a gifted budget LOL). šŸ˜… It prob wouldn’t be a box office hit, but it would be something I’d be passionate about doing. After all, this is just the movie I’d make if I was given $6M to make any movie I want. The new John Hughes šŸ˜…

So, with that said, does anyone have a cool $6M lying around by chance to strike while the iron’s hot? (this movie can’t be made 10 years down the road…HA) To be honest, I could prob do it for way less…more like 1.5-2M (to do it right) LOL. Anyways, even if it never comes to fruition, this is the movie concept that will always live rent-free in my head whether it would be a hit or not. It would be mixing my love for my 3 fav things: filmmaking, 90s nostalgia, and my Love for The Lord. Don’t know why I felt like sharing…it’s one of those nights.

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Music Videos - posted on November 2, 2024 by

RiP Records introduces: Christiana Miller “PReacher”

We at RiP Records are proud to introduce the world to Christiana Miller, a new artist we are blessed to be working with. Check out her debut single and music video for “Preacher,” produced by RiP Records! This is a powerful one!

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Music Videos, Nicky Gracious - posted on October 25, 2024 by

New Nicky Gracious Music Video, “Get Up”!

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Nicky Gracious - posted on September 19, 2024 by

Nicky Gracious drops new single/music video, announces new album

RiP Records recording artist Nicky Gracious just released visuals for his new single “What Type of Time You On?” and announced the release of his sophomore album, “He Will”, in October of this year. Check it out below:

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blog - posted on May 29, 2024 by

“Boundaries” are NOT Biblical.

(Lord, allow this to be received in Love šŸ™)

šŸ”„ *HOT TAKE* šŸ”„ “Boundaries” are not Biblical. In fact, we’ll be hard-pressed to find any scripture in the Bible that instructs or tells us to put boundaries in place. It is a new concept that has crept its way into the church and modern psychology. And I’d go as far as saying that boundaries themselves are toxic.

So WHY are “boundaries” not Biblical? Because they are selfish and rooted in fear (the opposite of love). God’s word calls us to Love Him, Love others. Those are the greatest commands.

PLEASE HEAR MY HEART ON THIS before you allow šŸ˜¤šŸ˜” to take over šŸ˜…!!!šŸ™

Fear (boundaries) does what’s best for self without regard for others. LOVE, on the other hand, does what’s best for others without regard for self. Love always requires a sacrifice, to put something first. If I put you first, I love you…if I put me first, I’m not loving you in that moment. Stay with me here…

If I put up a “boundary” to a toxic person and say “I won’t allow you to do XYZ to me”, we are putting up a fence that says, do not enter in. Do not harm me. So although we may be safe in our little gated circumference, the toxic person is free to roam outside it still harming themselves and others.

By doing this we just put ourselves first in an attempt to protect ourselves (fear)…but that has no regard for the other person. We couldn’t care less if they continue being toxic hurting themselves in the process. EVEN WORSE, we have no regard for our neighbors and all the other potential victims they continue to hurt in addition to themselves. All we care about is ourselves and not getting hurt. So although we may have protected ourselves in the short term, we didn’t protect them or our neighbors. That is not Love.

Love protects others. Love is Truthful (Biblically speaking.) Love IS our greatest offense AND defense. If we are following The Lord’s commands to love, we get protected in the process long before we ever have to put “boundaries” in place. If someone is toxic, love will confront them, not enable or allow their toxic behavior, nor allow them to do it to others.

Love is not what we do, it’s why behind what we do. And it’s our greatest command Biblically. Not boundaries.

We should be fighting the right fight in life: living a loving life. When we love properly, everything else takes care of itself. I know this is a hard concept to grasp because modern psychology has done a good job at wiring us ro believe “boundaries are healthy”. And it’s EXTREMELY hard to associate loving someone who is toxic and done us wrong together. I get that. But if we EVER have a problem loving someone because they did us wrong, that should be the first indication there is a heart problem. If I could forgive the man that murdered my brother and want what’s best for him without regard for myself (which would be for him to truly surrender his life to The Lord and receive eternal salvation), you could too. I promise. In the end, Love is always the answer.

Hot take complete. šŸ˜… I truly hope you hear my heart behind this. šŸ™

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Uncategorized - posted on May 26, 2024 by

RiP Records BRat Fest set relocated indoors due to weather

Rip Records Recording Artists Rip, Nicky Gracious & Erin Oakley have been relocated to perform indoors due to severe inclement weather at Brat Fest this year. Catch them at Door Creek Church Northside, 1181 N. Sherman Ave, Madison, WI.

Doors open at: 1:30 PM!

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Delivered, Music Videos, Rip - posted on May 15, 2024 by

Rip – You Are (The Reason) [Official 8k Music Video]

New music video for Rip’s latest single, “You Are (The Reason)”, has just dropped in stunning 8k definition from RiP Records!!!

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Erin Oakley, Music Videos, News - posted on April 16, 2024 by

RiP Records introduces new artist: Erin Oakley

RiP Records is proud to introduce you all to the newest member of our family, Erin Oakley! She brings a new sound to the team and we’re proud to have her join the RiP Records family! Check out her debut single, “Lord Most High”!

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