Events - posted on December 16, 2016 by

NYE with DJ Rip @ Pooley’s!


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Deep Thoughts, Video, Wednesday Wisdom - posted on November 23, 2016 by

23 Things I am Thankful For (Thanksgiving Edition – Wednesday Wisdom ep 8)

This week I share 23 things I am thankful for…one for each day of the month thus far!

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Advice, Wednesday Wisdom - posted on November 16, 2016 by

Revenge is for the weak.


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Music Videos, New Stuff, Trinity, Video - posted on November 7, 2016 by

“Who is Rip” (Take Me To Your Garden) featuring Katie Scullin [Official Music Video]

It’s crazy to think that every single moment in my life has been leading up to this very moment right here.  Every decision I’ve made whether it be to pursue music or not higher my education after high school.  Any career opportunity that I’ve turned down.  Every show that I have done; every hour I have spent in the studio honing my craft.  Every penny I’ve invested in my music career and myself.  Every talent and skill that I’ve learned and acquired over the years.  Every opportunity and person that I’ve put second to my mission in life.  For every hurt I’ve been through.  It all comes down to this:  My ultimate purpose in life;  to glorify my Creator with the talents and mission He has blessed me with.  A moment that will change the trajectory of my life & career forever in the direction it’s always meant to go.   Truth is, I knew this was my mission for years (if not decades.)  I was just stubborn and wanted to do things my way.  But now comes the time when my music and career takes on a new meaning and purpose.

I want to thank all my supporters for sticking with me all these years…more than half my life.  Crazy.  For those who continue to stick with me:  I love you.  For those who no longer rock with me:  I love you as well.  You’ve helped bring me to this point in my life.  The point where I can finally find meaning.  So thank you.  each and every one of you.

This song is probably one of the deepest, darkest, most vulnerable songs I have ever put out during my whole career as an artist.   I want to thank Katie Scullin for collaborating with me.  I struggled for many months with finding a singer/writer for this song and looking back, I can’t imagine the song being any different than what it is now.   It’s what it’s supposed to be, all thanks to God.  And I would like to thank everyone that was a part of the making of this video as well.  Y’all got your feet dirty to help support a dream of mine like it was your own (including walking in muddy woods and waters…haha!)

So ,without further ado:  “Who really is Rip?  And why is he making this Jesus so central?

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Video, Wednesday Wisdom - posted on October 26, 2016 by

Wednesday Wisdom (Ep 4) – “Nothing In Life Will Ever Feel 100% Right or Complete”

This week I reveal an answer to a question that’s plagued me my whole life.  Why I’m never satisfied and how nothing in life will ever feel 100% right or complete.

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Video, Wednesday Wisdom - posted on October 20, 2016 by

Wednesday Wisdom (Ep 3) – “How To Find True Happiness”

Hey world,

This week for #WednesdayWisdom I break down how to find true happiness in life.

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News - posted on October 18, 2016 by

Vote RiP Records in 2016 Madison Hip-Hop Awards (Final round – winner determined)!

Hey everyone,

Rip here.  I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone that voted for me and my #RipRecords Family in round 1 of voting in the Madison Hip-Hip Awards!  We truly appreciate it greatly.  With that said, we have made it to the final round where winners are now determined.  If you voted for us in Round 1, voting isn’t done…we have this one last round (which is the most important).  If you could, please head over to: to cast your final votes for this year’s awards!   Myself as well as my RiP Records Family are up for a total of 5 awards.  We are up in the following categories:

Male Rap Artist of The Year:  Rip
Video of the Year:  RiP Records Family – “Still Here”
Song of the Year:  RiP Records Family – “Still Here”
Collab of the Year:  RiP Records Family (Rip, PR, Influence & TruMotiv) – “Still Here”
Videographer of the Year:  Rip

It would truly mean a lot to myself and my RiP Records Family if they could take home an award for their musical accomplishments for the first time in their musical careers.  Pr, Influence, and TruMotiv (pka Too Bogus) have all been rocking with me since the early 2000’s and it is because of them that Rip is who he is today. Thanks to everyone for your continued support over the years.



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Video, Wednesday Wisdom - posted on October 12, 2016 by

WEdnesday Wisdom (Ep 2) – “Pay Attention To Your Emotions”

In this week’s episode of #WednesdayWisdom, I share some insight about paying attention to your emotions and not acting on them in the heat of the moment.

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Mixes - posted on October 6, 2016 by

DJ Rip – Fall Top40 Mix (2016)

Right click ‘Save Target As’.  Enjoy!


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My Opinion, Video, Wednesday Wisdom - posted on October 5, 2016 by

Wednesday Wisdom (Ep1) – “Take Risks”

Here it is…episode 1 of #WednesdayWisdom! Check out the advice I have for you this week: “Take Risks”! Make sure you tune in every Weds at 3pm for the rest of 2016!

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