Rip Live at Whiskey Jacks in Madison, WI (2.28.13)
Some video of my show at Whiskey Jacks in Madison, WI last Thurs. For those who missed out and couldn’t make it, here is some footage of me performing some songs off my new album “Sellout” (sorry the audio isn’t the best, this was filmed with a secondary camera, not the principal one used to film my “Dreamgirl” Music Video”):
Rip performance & “Dreamgirl” Music Video Shoot!
OPEN THE THE PUBLIC!!! Thursday February 28 from 7-9pm Rip will be performing some of his hits singles (“Hate That I Love You”, “Kissin In The Dark”, “#LML” & More) AS WELL as filming a scene for his new Music Video “Dream Girl” with A.N.T.!!
The scene is set at a performance/show so we need YOU there in the crowd! So not only are we giving you a chance to be seen in the video and experience what it’s like to be at a video shoot…we are also giving you a FREE Rip show/performance before hand too!
It won’t be a full show, probably 4-5 songs at most, so if you have ANY plans on coming…get in your requests on what songs you’d like to see Rip perform!!!
It’s from 7-9pm on Thurs Feb 28. And then afterwards, stick around to party at Whiskey for Ladies night!! Tell your friends!!