Rip Live at Whiskey Jacks in Madison, WI (2.28.13)
Some video of my show at Whiskey Jacks in Madison, WI last Thurs. For those who missed out and couldn’t make it, here is some footage of me performing some songs off my new album “Sellout” (sorry the audio isn’t the best, this was filmed with a secondary camera, not the principal one used to film my “Dreamgirl” Music Video”):
Rip – Live DJ Set & Interview on 91.7 WSUM (Madison, WI)
I wanted to take a minute to clear up some possible misconceptions that some people may have got while tuning in to my interview on 91.7 WSUM in Madison, WI on Monday night. I was asked to explain the name of my album “Sellout”….and I did…the best I could on the spot. Although I have my personal reasons as to why I named it that…I never really took the time to sit there and figure out how I would explain it thoroughly in a situation like Monday. Some people got the wrong impression on how I was explaining my reasoning. For those who tuned you…you will be able to understand what I am about to explain given my explanation on air Monday. I explained how one of my motives with this album was to start making money from my craft….YES. However, not for all the wrong reasons. I personally believe money is the root of all evil. Things that are important to me are God, Family and Love. I feel happy and succesful in life now, so whether I ever make millions of dollars or not…that isn’t an issue to me. I don’t NEED to make millions so I can buy a bunch of luxury cars…have a huge mansion…or trick it off on stuff like jewelry and women and all that other dumb stuff. What everyone doesn’t know is that I started this music journey over a decade ago. In the past decade I have invested and sacrificed sooo much. Money…time…missed time with loved ones. Heck… I even lost a few good girls along the way because I always put my career first. I don’t ever think any amount of money will ever be able to make up for those lost opportunities and time, but I’m at the point in my life and career where I do need things to start returning the investment I been making the past decade plus. When I started this journey over a decade ago (which has been a HELL of a ride and I DON’T regret one bit) I decided to fully dedicate my life to it with no option to fail. I didn’t have any backup plans in place….didn’t go to college….I made this my LIFE. ALL OR NOTHING. So this is the point I have finally reached. Would I someday like to have the option to retire because of my craft? Absolutely. Would I like to be able to buy a home and start a stable family because of my craft? Absolutely. Would I like to be able to help my mother out financially who dedicated 30 years of her life to raising 4 boys as a single mother? Absolutely. Would I like to be able to be in a position where I can help out less fortunate people??? ABSOLUTELY. Would I like to be able to have money to be able to invest in other interests I have in life…like someday writing a book…opening a mexican restaurant and producing my own film (something I always wanted to do before I even got into making music)??? YES. But in order to start doing that stuff…I need to start taking things to the next level. Anybody who REALLY knows me and listens to the lyrics of my music knows the type of person I am. You can see it with your own eyes. You never see me wearing any jewelry or even putting any of thay material stuff in any of my videos. I am also considering focusing on other interests in life after this album…so I don’t know what or when my next musical release will be….so I’m giving this album a hell of an effort. But that’s where I’m at. I’m not compromising any of my beliefs to make the music and album that I am. I am simply making music that I can market to radio and mainstream audiences…and there is NOTHING wrong with that in my book. I hope that clears up any misunderstandings. #Sellout coming 2012.
With that said, here is the interview:
Rip’s Birthday Bash – Sat Dec 10, 2011 in Madison, WI
Come out and celebrate my Birthday Bash on Saturday December 10, 2011 at Whiskey Jacks Saloon in Madison, WI! I will be performing my 2 singles “Kissin In The DarK” and “Watchin Me” with Brian Urso as well as having 3 DJ’s on stage…my good friends DJ Whitehorse, DJ Double A & DJ Snake! There will also be a band in the house…my friends ‘Mission 19’ performing all your favorite bar songs/sing alongs in between the DJ’s! This will be ONE EPIC NIGHT! Make sure you come out! I know it’s about 2 hours away from my hometown in IL, but the past couple of years I have been receiving an unprecedented amount of love and support from my WI peeps!!! So I hope to see everyone out!
New Live Performance this Friday April 15, 2011
Come check me LIVE on stage in Madison, WI as I perform songs off my debut album “Fashionably Late”. I will have a live band with me. Stay tuned to this site as I will have a live feed on Ustream for those who can’t make it out!
See event page here on Facebook