Providing for a Woman
FELLAS: If you’re “bringing home the bacon” and think your job is done in providing for your wife, then you may be mistaken. The #1 thing a woman needs before anything else (including financial security) is to feel SAFE. She needs to feel heard and safe mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically first and foremost. In order to be her “Provider”.. She needs you to be the spiritual leader in the relationship. God felt it wasn’t good for man to be alone…so he created a woman helper suitable for him. And He designed us to be the spiritual leaders. She also needs you to show up as a strong, centered man in many other aspects: She needs you to be focused on your mission and purpose in life. If you don’t know it yet…figure it out. She needs to know that you’re a man of your word…if you say you’re going to do something, you stick to your word and do it. She needs to know she can trust and rely on you. She needs to know that all your lustful desires are dealt with…and that you aren’t going to be needing other women or Porn to fulfill that void that will never be filled with sex or lustful fantasies (or any other addictions for that matter.) Even if other women are attracted to you, she needs to know that you have no problem turning them down because you are happy with what you have. She needs to know that you will stand up for yourself and what you believe in…and not spinelessly cave when her or some one else disagrees or tests what you truly believe in. She needs to know that you will tell her the honest truth, even if it means losing her. And that you’re willing to deal with the consequences of being truthful. She needs to know and feel all this in her core. She may even make more money than you…and you can still be her provider. You can still be responsible with the finances you currently DO have and manage. THAT’S how you provide for a woman..mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you thought to provide was strictly financial, you’re in for a rude awakening, fellas. I say this out of Love because I love seeing fruitful relationships. Truth is…love is hard. We’re all flawed humans…we’ll always fail each other…but if you can’t be the best provider you’re capable of being…you don’t stand a fighting chance. And it’s hard as it is. I’m still working on sharpening some of these things myself even when I know all this…it’s still not easy to execute. But it starts with seeking and following God and His word. 🙏. When that’s done…then Love will rule your life, and not fear (the opposite of Love)…Fear is what keeps us from fully loving and providing what our spouses truly need..

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