Advice, blog - posted on October 9, 2020 by

Sharing My Heart (Blog Entry)

Laying in bed trying to fall back asleep and felt compelled to share my heart: I’m not suicidal by any means. I have some friends that are which my heart mourns for, but my own heart does long to be home with Jesus. This is also scripturally accurate. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tell us that when God created us all, He placed eternity in our hearts. This is why nothing on earth will ever fulfill that VOID in our hearts (money, fame, accolades, relationships etc.) Until we have reached Eternity with God/Heaven…our hearts will always long for it and nothing this side of eternity will ever satiate that desire. This also makes sense in the fact that nothing has ever fully felt like “home” growing up. I’ve never fully settled into a dwelling. Even the residence/bedroom I’m in now, which I’ve occupied the last decade, I’ve never fully furnished or painted it or “made it my own.” To me, I’ve always just been “passing thru” until I reach my final destination. I’ve had GF’s in the past tell me they feel I’m never settled in/never unpack because I always travel with a “to-go” backpack. Truth is: I’m just a traveler on a journey passing thru this temporary world until I reach my final destination (Heaven.) There are a lot of things here that are great and wonderful, but they honestly don’t hold a candle to where I’m going. My heart missed my Dad a little this morning. If I’m being honest, this world is the only hell I’ll ever experience. To some, it’s the only Heaven they’ll ever experience and that thought always breaks my heart (šŸ’”šŸ˜­). Which is why I’m passionate about spreading the gospel. Look. Everything here is temporary. That’s an absolute that can’t be disputed. That in itself proves that Absolutes are true.. Including Absolute Truth. Truth is: Everything will return to dust. Your body. Your home. The relationship you have now…spouse, kids. They will end.

I have love and respect for all people and desire for them to spend eternity with me and God. That’s my biggest passion in life. I never want them to spend eternity apart from God (TRUST ME…You do NOT want to be apart from everything that is good for all of eternity.) Aside from that…I’m not tied to anything here. My name, my status. My income. All the video equipment I’ve been blessed to acquire over the years (Glory to God!) My jobs. My residence. My career. My music. Awards. Titles. My car. When they all return to dust, I’ll be ok.

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” – Philippians 4:12

Truly there’s nothing in this world that can complete me. These worldly things all mean nothing to me in the grand scheme of things. I love and cherish my family, friends, and supporters who rock with my mission more than anything else in this world. My focus is on eternity and The Kingdom. Everything else is futile. A chasing after the wind. The Lord has opened my eyes to MANY great things over the last few years. I have steady prayed for wisdom over everything else, much like King Solomon did in 1 Kings 3.

“For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.” (Ecclesiastes 1:18)

My heart grieves and longs for Home. But I still have an appreciation for being able to experience this beautiful thing called life and all the joys and blessings that come with it. Literally a one in a trillion chance that we’re here right now. Even though I mourn for this fallen sinful world…My heart is at peace knowing this will be the only hell I ever experience. But for now…I want to make sure it’s not the only Heaven YOU experience. That’s what drives me every day.

If you’ve been on the fence considering placing your Faith in Jesus as your Savior but haven’t yet, won’t you do that today so you can rest assured that you will spend eternity in Heaven with God?? Best decision you’ll ever make in life.

Romans 10:9 tells us: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” That’s it! BUT…The key is…you have to truly believe it on your heart. Many will confess it with their mouth (most legalistic religious rituals,) but the words that come out of their lips don’t match what they believe in their hearts. TRULY I TELL YOU! Jesus Christ and The Word of God are REAL. He has revealed Himself to me time and time and time again…over and over. DAILY if not hourly! If you don’t believe me..ask Him yourself. If your heart TRULY wants to know The Truth…He WILL reveal Himself to you as well. But your Pride has to be moved aside and heart has to be fully open and ready.

My prayer today (and every day) is that someone accepts Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life in Heaven WITH God and NOT apart from Him and all that is good!

Thank you for listening to my heart today!

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