Deep Thoughts - posted on November 24, 2011 by

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I just want to take this time to thank The Lord for all His blessings in my life the past few years. I have many MANY things to be thankful for. For one, I couldn’t be more thankful for my health. I am grateful everyday that I wake up a healthy individual…this is something I DEFINITELY DON’T take for granted! I am thankful for having steady work the past few years, especially in a time when the economy is the way it is. I am thankful for having a roof over my head. I am thankful that I am able to continue to live and pursue my dreams and I CAN’T tell you enough how much I love and appreciate my support team…my family and friends and of course you all, my supporters. There have been soo many people who have been instrumental in the continued journey I am pursuing in life, and without everyone…I couldn’t continue to do it! Not only have my friends and family been very supportive with my career, but there is also a handful of you who have been there for me the past year or so that has been there for me mentally and emotionally through some of my own personal struggles, and for that I couldn’t thank you guys enough. I have some of the best friends at this point in my life, probably more than at any other point in my life. I really feel blessed to have the life that I do…to the point where not only do I thank the Lord for it…I sometimes question Him and ask Him why He has been blessing me so much. I am also Thankful for the trials & tribulations He has put me through the past few years…the learning experiences, the lost loves (“It is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all”) and everything else in between. This Holiday season I am going to work on giving back myself. And last but not least, thank YOU! Thank YOU for following my page, supporting my music & my dreams. If you have EVER supported me, “Rip”, as an artist…I love and appreciate you more than these words can convey. If you ever bought any of my merchandise or music, came out to any of my shows…showed love and support for any of my music and videos, shared one on FB or to your friends, helped in the production of my video in ANY way…no matter how big or small a contribution…I express my unworthy gratitude. Thanks again to anyone who has ever contributed to making me a better person and thank you Lord for all your continued blessings. I love you all very much from the bottom of my heart! Hope you all have a great & blessed Thanksgiving!


Joshua aka “Rip”

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